Our Manifesto
Sustainability, for many people, is becoming a pressing need, whereas for others it’s mostly an obligation. Often it can become an accessory to flaunt, at times it’s a badge of honour, sometimes it’s a mere social certificate. For us, environmental and human sustainability represents an authentic lifestyle, it defines our way of being in the world and toward the world, an attitude centred around the culture of awareness and the concreteness of action. For 20 years, we have worked to be catalysts of social change, awaken and feed a new ecological conscience, and inspire and promote new business models and consumption models for people and companies. We are the place where education becomes determination, feeling becomes action, purpose becomes solution and result. We are for those who choose to be led by the values of ethics, in total respect of the ecosystem and of all living beings present within it. We are for those who choose to live with feeling and give their life a purpose, working to make the world a better place.
The Scenario
Are citizens aware of the concept of sustainability, in its various forms? Do they believe in change? And how do they expect businesses to support their daily commitment?
Since 2015, LifeGate’s National Observatory on Sustainable Lifestyles attempts to answer these questions, through a survey carried out in collaboration with the Eumetra MR research institute.
Sustainability is here to stay
By now, sustainability is a well-known concept for one in two Italians, especially thanks to expressions such as “global warming” and “renewable energy”, which are now familiar terms for seven in ten survey respondents.
Read more
For eight in ten Italians, sustainability is a value that even the pandemic cannot undermine. Find out more in the results of LifeGate’s tenth National Observatory on Sustainable Lifestyles, accompanied by local editions for Milan and Rome.
Impact Report
The Impact Report is very important for LifeGate: we have assembled in a single document aimed at all our stakeholders the results of our responsible way of doing business, with respect for the environment and people. Read it to learn about our commitments.